Our 100% Guarantee eBook was so popular, it is now for sale on Amazon. You do NOT need a Kindle to read it. Go check it out now by clicking the book cover.
By using this eBook, you can pass the CNA exam 100% guaranteed. We have a 100% Pass Rate!!!
If you purchase this eBook now, you will get a FREE study guide on how to pass the CNA, how to prepare for the exam, and other tips and tricks at passing the CNA Exam. There are also 72 nursing aide questions to help you prepare for the exam. In our book, we will show you what State Nursing Aid Examiners do NOT want you to see. We have carefully compiled questions from the CNA exam to match the best we could, and still be legal. They are so close it’s CRAZY!! Get yours TODAY before this special runs out!
On the day of my CNA exam, I got a great night’s rest, had everything I needed packed up the night before to endure my long trip, about 2 hours, to be at the testing site on time.
When I arrived at the testing site, I felt prepared and ready to take the exam. After filling out the paperwork, I was called up to show my ID. I had my drivers license and social security card along with a military ID. However, I was told I could not take my test because my social security card was laminated. My card was laminated 17 years ago and has never caused a problem ever.
Since this happened to me, I wanted to make a list of things you will need and a list of things that will not allow you to test.
1. Valid drivers license with your current name. If you recently got married, make sure this has been updated on your license.
2. Non-laminated social security card with the same name as the drivers license and the name you signed up to take the test.
3. You should have received a post card from the testing site that has these same rules on them.
4. Two (2) number 2 pencils, sharpened and a good eraser.
5. Wear loose fitting clothes and slip on, non-skid shoes. This allows your partner to not struggle while performing their skills on you.
6. Your skills study book. There will be some time to quickly study your skills prior to taking your skills.
If you follow these guidelines, you will get through the pretesting smoothly and without problems from the nursing aid examiner.
Best of luck when taking your certified nursing exam! Let us know how you did!