What schools offer the CNA program?
Many people ask this question and it seems quite simple sometimes, but depending on your location, this could be a difficult task. Many school offer the CNA program in a continuing education curriculum and not college credit curriculum. EMT-Basic and EMT-Paramedic courses are also a continuing education class.
Almost all of your local community colleges offer continuing education programs (or con-ed for short). To enroll, you will need to have a GED or high school diploma, take the entrance exam, and pay out of pocket or file for financial aide. Financial aide is quite easy to get. Your local community college will have a financial aide office that will help guide you through the steps. The PELL Grant is the largest and most common type of financial aide. This grant will even pay for your pencils, pens, paper, books, tuition, and even daycare for your child if you’re a parent! The Pell Grant can be applied for by visiting this website.
The con ed courses for the Certified Nursing Assistant program are somewhat lengthy. When I took the CNA program, I was enrolled in a “hybrid” course. This means that portions of the course are online, and portions of the course are in the classroom setting, lab, and in the hospital while performing CNA skills in a hospital setting with real patients.
March 9, 2012 @ 12:57 pm
Thank you for this information. What is the CNA salary in North Carolina?
April 21, 2012 @ 6:09 pm
In most states, a CNA must be lenicsed. It’s not as rigorous a license, obviously, as a nursing license, but it’s a license all the same. California requires CNAs to be lenicsed.And no one other than the relevant licensing authority should be answering a question like this. Only it can tell you which schools it will accept as requisite to its license. To rely on any other information is risky.The agency which licenses CNAs has a web site. Hunt it down and read every word on it and all your answers will come to you.
Many CNA training programs are operated out of store-front locations in strip malls. Some are good, others are not. By and large, you MUST ensure that whatever program you enter will be acceptable to the state licensing authority.ALSO, make sure the program is ACCREDITED by an agency approved by the US Department of Education (USDE) and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Look-up any school or program in which you’re interested in the USDE and/or CHEA databases at:If it’s not in one or both of those databases, STAY AWAY because it’s not accredited no matter WHAT it claims. Such programs lie all the time; or try to make themsevles look better and more credible by making-up fake accreditors (or associating with real ones that are, nevertheless, not USDE and/or CHEA approved which is bad).Hope that helps.